Letter from Mayor-Elect Sean M. Spiller

Dear Montclair Democrats, 

It is a great honor and humbling privilege that voters have placed their trust in me to serve as the next mayor of Montclair. Our local election, conducted during the height of the Coronavirus crises demonstrated the enduring strength of our Democracy as more than ten thousand Montclair residents took the time to cast a ballot, a record breaking figure. The enthusiasm and dedication of Montclair voters is a testament to the spirit of our community. 

Montclair is more than just a place. It’s an ideal. Municipalities throughout the state look to Montclair to set an example of what progressive government can achieve. We’ve set that example by passing mandatory paid sick leave, enacting the first ever rent control ordinance in Montclair and sent a message to Washington D.C. that Montclair welcomes everyone by making Montclair a welcoming community. As Mayor, I am committed to working to achieve our progressive goals and to standing up for the things that make Montclair special. 

In addition to our challenges at the local level, there is a critical election this November. Everything we value as Democrats is on the line. It’s going to take everyone working together to hold the House of Representatives, flip the Senate, and take back the White House. I know that the Montclair Democrats will be leading the charge. 

Thank you, 


Mayor-Elect Sean M. Spiller

Sean M. Spiller
Third Ward Councilman
Township of Montclair