with Us!
If you can walk, talk, write,
or post, you can volunteer!
Starting in August, the Montclair Dems in partnership with the Harris and PA Dems will be sending buses to PA to get out the vote for Kamala Harris and the Democrats up/down the Ballot. The buses will leave the Montclair area on Saturdays and Sundays around 9 AM and return by 4 PM. We will be traveling approximately 1 to 2 hours in comfortable buses. Since 2004, our team has arranged over 140 buses PA for Democratic GOTV. The Cost of the bus has yet to be determined but we will make arrangements to ensure that anyone that wants to volunteer will get to PA. Sign up for more information below.
Get on our Bus to PA
Virtual Phone Banks
Do you have one hour
to make a difference?
Become a Social Media Warrior
Join the WolffPack, the Montclair Dems social media team every Thursday @ 7 PM between now and the election. Attend our weekly virtual swarm session where you will learn how to use social media to promote our campaign’s positive messaging and support our candidates.
Wolffpack Swarms every
Thursday @ 7 PM
Door Knocking
Voter Outreach
Come join us as we walk and talk for Democracy. Door knocking
or Canvassing is the most effective way to reach like-minded voters. When our side votes, we win. We make canvassing fun and easy, bring your friends or make new ones as we knock on Democratic doors to make sure they vote in November.
Join us as Team Kim and Mikie come together with the Montclair Dems on Sundays, 9/29, 10/6 & 10/13 ar Noon to knock on Democratic doors in the Montclair area. Help us get out the vote in Essex County for Kamala Harris, Andy Kim, Mikie Sherrill and the entire Democratic ballot for the November election.
Postcard Party with Us!
The Postcard Party meets virtually every Wednesday at 7-8 PM. Since 2020 our volunteers have sent over 150,000 postcards to support Democratic Candidates and Issues in dozens of States and here in NJ. Postcards have been proven an effective tool to reach infrequent voters to increase voter turnout. By signing up, you are part of a network of hundreds of volunteers across NJ. We provide you everything you need including postcards. labels, guidelines and example of completed postcards.
Young Americans 4 Progress
Young Activists Engaging Young Voters
Are you or do you know a young volunteer that wants to make a difference. Introducing Young Americans 4 Progress (YAP), a group of young activists that will engage young voters here in NJ. We are looking for young volunteers 16 to 30 years old that want to make a difference.
For more information